Monday, October 15, 2018

Fit 4 Sport LLC

I'm a mom. Like a straight up mom- just over here trying to get through the day, keep my kids alive, my house in order, and make sure we have enough matching socks to make it through the day- and it helps if the socks are clean because my family has a problem with stinky feet. Woo Wee.

Sometimes friends ask me to blog. I always say no because I really don't do this professionally. I mean I'm the queen of run on sentenaces, bad grammar, and foul language. But, a friend recently asked, and I'm happy to write for her because she is a lady that serves our community and helps me in life more than she knows.

Meet Lee Ann Skinner, owner of Fit 4 Sport LLC. She's often on the sidelines of Upper Loudoun Football games, rehabbing Western Loudoun athletes, and watching her own rugrats compete. She's a sports Mama and "gets it".

Our kids are accident prone. Three broken arms, a stress fracture in the foot, sprained ankles galore, broken bone in the hand, Osgood Schlatter's, a shoulder throwing injury, and most recently a broken hip- We've had our fair share of injuries. I mean I'm not even including the bruises and kinks my borderline hypochondriac daughter has had where she thought she was dying or the hospital visits for real growing pains requiring x-rays. I should buy stock in the orthopedic industry. I should, but all my money goes to kid's activities. In fact, my daughter has been complaining of a thumb injury for two weeks now, but I'm being the bad mom yelling, "You have to ice it and take advil," and saying silent prayers it heals up on its own because right now I just can't even. Do you ever think to yourself, "Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away." I hope I'm not the only one.

Sooooo... all these things led us to Lee Ann. She's our doctor, physical therapist, psychologist, sounding board, and friend.  She knows her craft and is good at what she does. I mean when I tell my kids to ice and stretch, they look at me like I have three heads, but if Ms. Lee Ann says that they listen.

When one of our kids needed PT, it was going to be a huge hassle. Missing school to attend appointments- And that meant cutting into Mama's alone time and lunching with friends... I mean that meant missing valuable learning time... and it was a pain. Lee Ann works with clients around school and practice schedules. She sends reports that are so smart sounding it's scary- The woman is as intelligent as they come, and then she also "dumbs" it down and puts things into Layman's terms so we can understand.

Above all else, Lee Ann is invested in her families and clients. When my son was in excruciating pain and I just couldn't deal, she didn't kill me when I crossed the patient/provider relationship and messaged her at midnight begging for her to tell me it was going to be okay. And when my son just had to talk to Ms. Lee Ann, she let us call her... for him to say, "Ms Skinner, when I lay down it hurts."  I guess telling mom wasn't good enough and he just needed another Mama to reassure him it was going to be okay.  LOL.

Fit for Sport LLC has done so much for our family. When we're not sure if we need to get an x-ray, Lee Ann will say, "Swing by my house and I'll let ya know if you need to go in."  And when we want to slack on PT because we feel injuries are heeled, she'll have sessions with our kids and give detailed programs for them to follow on their own- allowing us to cheap out- I mean save money. And when our kids are legitimately hurt, we trust her for the most professional and quality care. We value her opinion, will listen when she says "Don't play" because we respect her expertise, and know that our kids are in good hands and will be on the field in no time with her rehab treatments. And let's be real. She welcomes my children into her home for care, gets them sweaty, and puts up with those stanky McCullers feet.

The next time your kid has an injury, make sure you check out Fit 4 Sport LLC- but don't do it too much and take my time slot!

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